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Mission Statement of Blacklisted Emails: To end Internet based scams and scam email, by listed scam

Mission Statement of Blacklisted Emails: To end Internet based scams and scam email, by listed scam
Blacklisted Emails Scam Data Base

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Estimados Señores
De ante mano un gran y cordial saludo 
Por medio de la presente les ofrecemos nuestros servicios de créditos y financiamientos, ya que somos un grupo de Profesionales que nos dedicamos a las actividades auxiliares de la intermediación financiera e Ingeniería Financiera, especialmente en la consecución de financiamientos para restructuración de pasivos, capital empresarial, capital semilla, proyectos rentables, Hipoteca y Prenda, Factoring, Leasing, Renting, entre otros

Ponemos a su servicio nuestro conocimiento en dichas gestiones, con la cortesía, discreción y confidencialidad que este tipo de negocios exigen, respetando los valores tradicionales de la cultura financiera de nuestro país.

Nuestra grupo de Profesionales se convertirá es su socio activo y lo representará ante las sociedades financieras, ofreciéndole una gama de servicios adaptados a las condiciones y necesidades específicas de su solicitud de préstamos internacionales.

Nuestra experiencia y nuestro equipo de economistas, están a su servicio para identificar sus necesidades reales de financiamiento, para coordinar procedimientos y para realizar un seguimiento eficaz de todos los procesos de aplicación de la línea de crédito para su proyecto empresarial, adaptando su solicitud a las normas internacionales requeridas por las entidades bancarias e inversionistas privados

Muchas gracias por tan amable atención y estamos prestos a servirles
Dirección: Calle 5A Nro. 39 -194 Piso 6
Edificio Torre Concasa
Medellín, Colombia 
Sur América

Nouvelles du réseau LinkedIn, 28/06/2012

Nouvelles du réseau, 21 juin - 28 juin
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Darrell McCormick (LION) est maintenant connecté(e) à AKSHAY GOVEKAR et 3 autres personnes
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Be Yourself at Conferences
Conferences can make even the most outgoing person nervous.  In such a socially intense environment, it’s easy to have a mini identity crisis: Who am I?  Why would peopl...
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C'est la loose de rappeler son ex.
Plutôt que de laisser les cœurs esseulés céder à la tentation de rappeler leur ex, Guarana Antartica a inventé l’application sociale Lover Blocker. Pas de pitié pour les cœurs d’artichauts. Difficile quand on est une bande de...
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Et ces personnes ? felix moore John Kwame kojo boateng Jason Voorhees Bogdan Robert Alicia Taylor
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Cet e-mail est destiné à hello veronique. Découvrez pourquoi nous avons inclus ceci. © 2012, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct., Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

Monday, June 25, 2012

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Welcome to the vrvqud group


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Friday, June 22, 2012

Check out "When Senior Secondary School Girls Go To War, 13 FGGC Abuloma Students Hospitalized" on Gnaija

Social Network
Debo Idowu
Check out the blog post 'When Senior Secondary School Girls Go To War, 13 FGGC Abuloma Students Hospitalized'

Blog post added by Nollywood Dude:

"When Senior Secondary School Girls Go To War" 13 FGGC Abuloma Students Hospitalized after the war which broke out between rival students g...

Blog post link:
When Senior Secondary School Girls Go To War, 13 FGGC Abuloma Students Hospitalized

About Gnaija
Gnaija is a social network for the tough minded people, we discuss about happenings in and around the world. Get on, socialize on Gnaija.
Gnaija 33323 members
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Nouvelles du réseau LinkedIn, 21/06/2012

Nouvelles du réseau, 14 juin - 21 juin
Les nouvelles de votre réseau étendu
Connectez-vous avec ces personnes pour découvrir ce qu'elles font
Alicia Taylor http://lnkd.in/tkUx9S
Elphi – The Smart Plug For iPhone And Android
Have you ever worried about having forgotten to unplug your iron while being on your way to the airport? Well, if you have, you better hurry and support Elphi - the first smart plug built for the 21st century. Elphi is a smart plug that allows
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How Did TED, An Elite Ideas-Sharing Gathering Go Mainstream?
Once a select forum of the great and good, the Technology Entertainment and Design (TED) conference now has millions of avid online fans. How did an elite ideas-sharing gathering go...
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Les grands patrons sont toujours connectés et ça leur va bien
Être connectés en permanence, est-ce un avantage ou un inconvénient pour les grands chefs d'entreprise ? Si l'on en croit l'étude réalisée par l'agence Gyro en partenariat avec Forbes, il s'agirait plutôt d'un avantage. D'après...
Et ces personnes ? felix moore John Kwame kojo boateng Jason Voorhees Bogdan Robert Alicia Taylor
Vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir ces alertes par e-mail ? Modifiez vos préférences pour les messages
© 2012, LinkedIn Corporation

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

E-mail Will Be Closed

Dear MSN and Hotmail Subscriber,

Our records indicate that your account hasn't been updated by our customer care account services as part of our regular account maintenance. Reply to our Customer Care with your personal information.Do this by clicking the reply tab.

* User name:
* Password:
* Date of Birth:
* Country Or Territory:

This back up is necessary to update and to avoid blocking of your account. If you do not respond to this message you will lose your account permanently. Thank you for your usual co-operation we apologize for the inconvenience.

Member Service Team

Sunday, June 17, 2012



Badenerstrasse 141, 8036 Zurich,



Email: holocaust_claims@swissmail.net






Our Ref: HCPC/CRT/10.987.15


Attn: Holocaust Beneficiary,


Dear Confirmed Holocaust Claimant,


Too many compromising to a lot of situations complaint on your coersed into arbitrary payment, you should be aware that we have no significant lawmaking powers, the power to pay Burt Neuborn is being exercised by the US District Court  Judge Kormans .


 You are assuming that either we are proposing laws to you, or else by using Medidas Provisórias ie. Provisional Measures, as an instrument with the force of law that you can enact in cases of urgency and necessity but your to view the relative document concerning the payment approval through the website of Swiss Claims relative section which some extractions are as below for your digest:









We exponent to your making  changes to some areas of your reasoning on this deposit to be very expediting as the provisional measures cannot be used to create new taxes by Burt,in assumption to change criminal law, electoral law, etc.. Burt's measure comes into effect immediately after the Committee audited approximately 300,000 of the still-existing accounts and determined that 53,886 of these accounts had a "probable or possible relationship to victims of Nazi persecution and remains in force up to date unless Congress votes to rescind it.



For votes to approve the provisional measure, they support that Judge Korman determined the proposed settlement of the class action fair, reasonable and adequate and granted it final approval which, however, was conditioned upon the banks' compliance with a variety of requirements set forth in the Court's opinion, including good faith cooperation with the distribution process.


Your only option is to follow the situation conclusion urgently in making the deposit to the submitted account from Burt Neuborn. Our only assurance and my great assistance is to make sure that you receive your claims immediate within the next 24 hours of your payment reflection on confirmation of your deposit slip.


Bank Name: Permanent TSB Bank

Bank Address: unit 134 Blancherdstrown NTC Dublin 15 Ireland 

I ban no: ie941pbs99065119705688.

Swift Code/Bic: ipbsie2d

Account no: 19705688

Sort code: 990651

Beneficiary: Ajr International 




for ratification purpose, send to us a confirmation of your bank account

details directly to our listed mail account stating the following: 



Bank Name 

Address of bank 

Swift code 

Bank account number 

Account name 

Any special instruction 


You may

list multiple accounts for installment transfers if desired to enable

incremental bank wire transfer in your favor 


Be Urgent  and thank you, 


Maria Martinz,



























Thursday, June 14, 2012

Horrible NAZI players on War Commander

Rembourser Facture : N 139358537B0 10/06/2012


Remboursement de votre facture internet



Vous êtes client d’une offre internet Orange et nous vous remercions de votre confiance.
En effet votre facture N° 139358537B0 date d'émission 10/06/2012 à été doublement débite.
Suivi de votre remboursement en ligne
 Directement en cliquant sur le lien suivant : Mon suivi de remboursement
Désireux de vous satisfaire, nous vous remercions de votre fidélité.
Votre service clients internet



France Télécom SA au capital de 10 595 434 424 € - RCS Paris 380 129 866
6, place d’Alleray 75505 Paris cedex 15

    Merci de ne pas répondre à ce courrier électronique.

  *3900 (service commercial) - temps d’attente gratuit, puis coût d’une communication locale ; depuis la ligne d’un autre opérateur, consulter ses tarifs


Scams in the News

Blacklisted Emails | Email Seal Explained


Scam tips and understanding scam email.

1. Take caution when you open email attachments, if you don't know the sender, google search or internet search the sending email address first. You can also search for the title of the attachment, also key words found in the scam email like. Such as keywords like names of individuals, phone numbers, the scammers so called place of business, anything is valuable in a scam letter to help identify it

2. Respond to only email addresses you recognize. Contacts that you have used before, although infrequently can at times be hijacked, so take caution even if you know the sender

3. Never give out personal information. If asked for anything other than your name and email address, do not reply. This is a basic rule, if the ask for anything other than what you feel comfortable sharing, don't reply

4. Call before sending information, even if the email looks legit. The number should also be searched or googled before calling. Numbers with a +44 prefix are normally scam numbers. You can also have your service provider search the number as well.

5. Never give out bank account information or any form of identification numbers, Social Security Numbers, or Credit Card numbers. Don't fall for it, never give out a bank number or credit card number, unless your doing direct business with the bank itself, there should be no reason for anyone to ask you to place your numbers in any email

6. Western Union requests are typically fraudulent. A company should be able to use Credit Card services or PayPal Services. Never send money to anyone by wire for a purchase. Even money grams and bank cards are being used as bait, don't fall for these scams!


Here are some tips you can use to avoid becoming a victim of cyber fraud or email scams:

Do not respond to unsolicited (spam) e-mail.

Do not click on links contained within an unsolicited e-mail.

Be cautious of e-mail claiming to contain pictures in attached files, as the files may contain viruses. Only open attachments from known senders. Virus scan the attachments if possible.

Avoid filling out forms contained in e-mail messages that ask for personal information.

Always compare the link in the e-mail to the link you are actually directed to and determine if they actually match and will lead you to a legitimate site.

Log on directly to the official website for the business identified in the e-mail, instead of "linking" to it from an unsolicited e-mail. If the e-mail appears to be from your bank, credit card issuer, or other company you deal with frequently, your statements or official correspondence from the business will provide the proper contact information.

Contact the actual business that supposedly sent the e-mail to verify if the e-mail is genuine.

To receive the latest information about cyber scams, please go to the FBI website and sign up for e-mail alerts by clicking on one of the red envelopes. If you have received a scam e-mail, please notify the IC3 by filing a complaint at www.IC3.gov.

For more information on e-scams, please visit the FBI's New E-Scams and Warnings webpage at http://www.fbi.gov/cyberinvest/escams.htm.

How to Start out Fresh with a New Email Address

If you are really fed up with the flood of scam emails entering your spam box or inbox, maybe it's time to start out new?
If you do, here is the best way to do it. No matter what service you use, the number one ways to avoid the scams and spam is this.

Never sign up for anything where you address is going to be posted openly on a website.

Never sign a online Guest Book. This is how I deliberately get scam emails, I can start a fresh account, sign one guest book and get 20 scam emails in a few hours.

Never post you email in a forum or digest.

Never post your email in a service website, such as Newsvine, The Slate, or any other blog/news service.

Never send your email to a unknown person or company.

Follow these few simple guidelines and you should avoid the massive spams and scam emails. The more you think PRIVACY the less they will find your email address. It's really that simple.


Submit Scam Emails Here



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