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Mission Statement of Blacklisted Emails: To end Internet based scams and scam email, by listed scam

Mission Statement of Blacklisted Emails: To end Internet based scams and scam email, by listed scam
Blacklisted Emails Scam Data Base

Saturday, July 30, 2011



Loterie Américaine pour la
Promotion de l’Internet partout dans le monde
Réf. Nombre : 09/06/2011
Numéro de lot : 9991-BNK-87
Numéro de gain : NY47-E62


Nous sommes heureux de vous informer du résultat des programmes internationaux de
Gagnants de loteries tenues il y a deux jours de cela à notre siège sis à New York.
Votre adresse d’E-Mail attachée au billet le numéro 1086047-0704 avec le numéro de
Série 3548044- 980 a désigné des numéros chanceux 07-04-522-7-07-11 qui en
Conséquence gagne dans la 1ère catégorie avec quatre autres personnes, vous avez été
Donc approuvés pour percevoir la somme de 250 MILLES EUROS.


En raison du mélange vers le haut de quelques nombres et noms, nous demandons de gardez
L’information confidentielle de votre gain jusqu’à la fin de vos réclamations et que les fonds
Vous soient remis.
Cela fait partie de notre protocole de sécurité pour éviter double réclamation et abus sans
Garantie de ce programme par quelques participants.
Tous les participants ont été tirés par un logiciel de pointe de vote d’ordinateur tiré parmi plus
De 20.000.000 compagnies et de 30.000.000 adresses d’E-mail d’individu de partout dans le
Ce programme promotionnel de l’Internet a lieu chaque année.
Cette loterie a été favorisée et commandité par Monsieur Bill Gâtes, président du plus grand
Logiciel du monde (Microsoft), nous espérons qu’avec une partie votre de gain vous
Participerez à la promotion de l’Internet chez vous car cela fait partie également de la
Promotion de Monsieur BILL GATES.


Veuillez envoyer par mail les informations vous concernant sous 72 heures a l’adresse
Électronique de huissier Me TALBOT NICOLAS chargé de vous indiquer les conditions générales
De remise de votre gain.

Email : cabinetjuridiquekao@hotmail.fr
Contact téléphonique : 00(225) 07 88 69 16

NOM :…….………………………………………..…………………………
PRENOMS : ………………….………………………………………………
PAYS :…………………………VILLE :………………………………..……
DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE :…….…..……………………………………
CODE POSTAL :……………….…….…..……..……………………………
ADRESSE GEOGRAPHIQUE :……….…….………………………………
TEL/FIXE :………………………..…MOBILE :…………..……….………..
EMAIL CONFIRMATION :…….………………………………..…….……
PROFESSION :………………………………………………..………………
NATIONALITE :…………………………………………..…………………
N° DE REFERENCE :…………………09-06-2011…………………………
N°DE LOT :…………………………9991-BNK-87……………….…………

Mode de retrait de gain s’il vous plaît
Chèque postal virement bancaire
Signature du lauréat obligatoire.


Se rappeler évidement que le lot doit être réclamé avant plus de dix (10) jours à compter
D’aujourd’hui après quoi tous les fonds non revendiqués seront reversés à certains Organisme
Internationaux de Santé et de Médecine.
Afin d’éviter les retards unitiles le présent formulaire doit être tiré puis rempli à la main et signé
Avant d’être acheminé à l’adresse E-mail de l’huissier indiqué.
En outre, s’il devrait y avoir n’importe quel changement d’adresse informez notre agent
Aussitôt que possible.

Recevez les félicitations une fois de plus de nos membres de personnel et nous vous
Remercions de faire partie de notre programme promotionnel.
NB: Quiconque sous l’âge de 20 ans est automatiquement éliminé.

Page web: http://www.gatesfoundation.org/Pages/home.aspx

Bien à vous.

La Directrice des Opérations

BannerFans.com BannerFans.com

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Scams in the News

Blacklisted Emails | Email Seal Explained


Scam tips and understanding scam email.

1. Take caution when you open email attachments, if you don't know the sender, google search or internet search the sending email address first. You can also search for the title of the attachment, also key words found in the scam email like. Such as keywords like names of individuals, phone numbers, the scammers so called place of business, anything is valuable in a scam letter to help identify it

2. Respond to only email addresses you recognize. Contacts that you have used before, although infrequently can at times be hijacked, so take caution even if you know the sender

3. Never give out personal information. If asked for anything other than your name and email address, do not reply. This is a basic rule, if the ask for anything other than what you feel comfortable sharing, don't reply

4. Call before sending information, even if the email looks legit. The number should also be searched or googled before calling. Numbers with a +44 prefix are normally scam numbers. You can also have your service provider search the number as well.

5. Never give out bank account information or any form of identification numbers, Social Security Numbers, or Credit Card numbers. Don't fall for it, never give out a bank number or credit card number, unless your doing direct business with the bank itself, there should be no reason for anyone to ask you to place your numbers in any email

6. Western Union requests are typically fraudulent. A company should be able to use Credit Card services or PayPal Services. Never send money to anyone by wire for a purchase. Even money grams and bank cards are being used as bait, don't fall for these scams!


Here are some tips you can use to avoid becoming a victim of cyber fraud or email scams:

Do not respond to unsolicited (spam) e-mail.

Do not click on links contained within an unsolicited e-mail.

Be cautious of e-mail claiming to contain pictures in attached files, as the files may contain viruses. Only open attachments from known senders. Virus scan the attachments if possible.

Avoid filling out forms contained in e-mail messages that ask for personal information.

Always compare the link in the e-mail to the link you are actually directed to and determine if they actually match and will lead you to a legitimate site.

Log on directly to the official website for the business identified in the e-mail, instead of "linking" to it from an unsolicited e-mail. If the e-mail appears to be from your bank, credit card issuer, or other company you deal with frequently, your statements or official correspondence from the business will provide the proper contact information.

Contact the actual business that supposedly sent the e-mail to verify if the e-mail is genuine.

To receive the latest information about cyber scams, please go to the FBI website and sign up for e-mail alerts by clicking on one of the red envelopes. If you have received a scam e-mail, please notify the IC3 by filing a complaint at www.IC3.gov.

For more information on e-scams, please visit the FBI's New E-Scams and Warnings webpage at http://www.fbi.gov/cyberinvest/escams.htm.

How to Start out Fresh with a New Email Address

If you are really fed up with the flood of scam emails entering your spam box or inbox, maybe it's time to start out new?
If you do, here is the best way to do it. No matter what service you use, the number one ways to avoid the scams and spam is this.

Never sign up for anything where you address is going to be posted openly on a website.

Never sign a online Guest Book. This is how I deliberately get scam emails, I can start a fresh account, sign one guest book and get 20 scam emails in a few hours.

Never post you email in a forum or digest.

Never post your email in a service website, such as Newsvine, The Slate, or any other blog/news service.

Never send your email to a unknown person or company.

Follow these few simple guidelines and you should avoid the massive spams and scam emails. The more you think PRIVACY the less they will find your email address. It's really that simple.


Submit Scam Emails Here



Subject: *
How did you find us? *
E-mail Address: *
Your Alliase or Handle Name
Paste the Scam Senders email address here *
Paste Any Other Relevant Information
Paste the Body of the Scam Letter Here *

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